SunGard establishes enterprise solutions group to boost large account sales

SunGard establishes enterprise solutions group to boost large account sales

Fintec giant SunGard is continuing with its restructuring as a new private company by merging its global account management, product management, off-shore services and consulting services units into a new 'enterprise solutions group' charged with growing sales to Tier 1 accounts.

SunGard says the division will be formed within its financial systems business and will focus on marketing and sales of enterprise-class software and processing systems to global accounts.

The new unit is headed by Ron Lang, chief product officer of SunGard's financial systems business, who will report to Michael Muratore, executive vice president of software and processing.

The operation will include a combination of products and professional services, on- and off-shore consulting services and partner offerings. SunGard says the initial targeted services include architecture renewal and integration, compliance, enterprise data management, prime brokerage and alternative investments.

As part of the move, the vendor is also expanding its consulting services and will rebrand the Enform business as SunGard Consulting Services.

Sungard's Lang says the ambition is to "leverage the 'One SunGard' that our largest customers are demanding".

Last month the vendor puiblicised its switch to a platform-independent 'Common Services Architecture' framework based on mainstream open source standards. CSA is being rolled out across the whole of SunGard's financial systems business, including its offshore development centres and consulting services.

SunGard's $10.8 billion acquisition by a consortium of seven private equity firms was completed in August.

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