Bloomberg Tradebook completes European equities platform

Bloomberg Tradebook completes European equities platform

Bloomberg Tradebook has completed its interactive electronic trading platform for European equities with the addition of the SWX Swiss Exchange and the euronext Amsterdam Stock Exchange in the Netherlands, effectively delivering anonymous electronic trading access to all major exchanges in Europe.

Bloomberg is also upgrading the product to provide more sophisticated US trading tools such as pegging, slicing and re-fire for European investors.

Under the revamp, users are to be given access to interactive "point and click" trading capabilities, as well as enhanced international trading blotters, says Bloomberg. Clients will also be able to access the liquidity behind a stock by clicking on the live Tradebook quote montage. "Re-fire" enables traders to break up large blocks of stock so as to achieve anonymous rapid-fire executions, thereby enabling for reserve trading capabilities via the platform.

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