Calyon to distribute TradeCard platform

Calyon to distribute TradeCard platform

Calyon, the corporate and investment banking arm of France's Crédit Agricole, is to offer TradeCard's financial supply chain platform to corporate customers across Europe.

Launched in 2000, TradeCard says its platform now serves over 1000 corporate customers in 34 countries. The platform automates the financial processes in supply chains from order to cash. Buyers connect to their global trading partners online to manage ordering, invoicing and other trade processes. Accounts payable and accounts receivable processes can be also be automated and financial services can be delivered electronically.

Calyon says the TradeCard platform will enable customers to manage domestic and international open account trade transactions from a single system and enable them to develop electronic letters of credit.

Emmanuel Bouvier D'Yvoire, global head, trade finance, Calyon, says: "TradeCard will allow us to differentiate our financial services offerings and to optimise our own processes."

New York-based TradeCard says Calyon will also use its global network to sell the TradeCard platform in other parts of the world.

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