Commonwealth Bank to market mortgages via interactive TV

Commonwealth Bank to market mortgages via interactive TV

Commonwealth Bank of Australia is launching an interactive digital televesion advertisement that enables viewers to access home loan information and contact lenders at the touch of a remote.

The 30-second Economiser Home Loan advert will be launched on the Foxtel Digital channel on Sunday and is Australia's first interactive advertisment. The ad will give customers the option of making an appointment with a mobile banker, request further information or contact the bank, all by following the on-screen prompts using a television remote control.

Susan Nixon, executive general manager, retail banking services, Commonwealth Bank, says the bank is committed to finding new ways of targeting consumers who are typically harder to reach using traditional media: "Interactive television is a highly measurable medium that makes the bank's products and services more accessible to customers."

The Multi Channel Network (MCn), the sales arm of digital channel Foxtel, is managing the rollout of the digital interactive ads in Australia. MCn CEO, Anthony Fitzgerald, says overseas results show that interactive television advertisements have higher recall, deeper impact and greater cut-through than standard commercials.

"Interactive campaigns have been particularly successful in the financial services area," adds Fitzgerald.

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