Rapidata Services adds biometric security to Bacs bureau service

Rapidata Services adds biometric security to Bacs bureau service

UK direct debit payment processor Rapidata Services is using technology from Eiger Systems to add biometric security controls to its Bacs bureau service.

Rapidata is using the EigerPay Gateway system to authorise users accessing its Bacstel-IP service with a secure biometric finger scan, in addition to the standard requirements of a password and user name. Scanned finger prints are cross-referenced with a list of authorised users and access to payment files is only granted if there is a positive match.

Scott Gray, MD, Rapidata Services, says: "Eiger Systems' Bacstel-IP software – EigerPay Gateway – gave us the opportunity to add in an extra level of security by using biometrics to identify authorised users."

Matthew Croxford, product manager, Eiger Systems, says any organisation can improve the security of payment file submissions by deploying biometrics, but those using Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) will benefit the most from the technology.

"HSMs provide organisations with the opportunity to achieve very high levels of automation in their payment submission routines. This makes it all the more important to ensure that the user interface procedures are as secure as possible. This is precisely what biometrics provides," adds Croxford.

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