First Data hires FleetBoston's Bakhshi to head new mobile division

First Data hires FleetBoston's Bakhshi to head new mobile division

US electronic payments processor First Data is establishing a business unit focused on delivering mobile payments and services, and has appointed FleetBoston's Nandita Bakhshi to head up the new division.

Bakhshi joins First Data as managing director of mobile solutions. She was previously executive vice president of consumer deposits and payments at FleetBoston and has also held executive level positions at Home Savings of America and Bank One Corporation.

First Data says the new division, called mobile solutions, will be focused solely on mobile services, including m-payments, prepaid top-up and mobile content.

The unit will work with associated companies, mobile network operators and merchant acquirers to develop an interoperable mobile payment standard.

Last year the firm's Encorus subsidiary won a transaction processing contract with Simpay, the mobile payment scheme founded by Orange, Telefónica Móviles, T-Mobile and Vodafone.

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