Kedrios signs three to hosted back office STP service

Italy's Kedrios has signed up Abax, Duemme and Pictet to its securities back office processing service, BON, which includes CheckFree's newly acquired straight-through processing (STP) product, Tradeflow TPM.

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Kedrios signs three to hosted back office STP service


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Kedrios, which is a CheckFree business partner, provides IT consultancy and ASP services to financial institutions in Italy. The firm's offering includes the Tradeflow Transaction Process Management (TPM) system, which CheckFree acquired when it bought STP and financial messaging vendor Heliograph last November.

Kedrios says its partnership with CheckFree allows it to provide customers with a complete end-to-end STP system, including connectivity to the Swift network.

Giovanni Roversi, CEO, Kedrios, says: "Since we added TradeFlow functionality to our BON platform, we now provide a complete STP solution that gives our organisation a strong opportunity for international expansion."

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