People: Philip Green to head Reuters Financial worldwide

Reuters has made several high level management changes in preparation for the full-time appointment of Tom Glocer as its new Group chief executive.

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People: Philip Green to head Reuters Financial worldwide


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Glocer, who is not due to take over from incumbent Peter Job until July 2001, is to relinquish day-to-day management of the Americas and Reuters Information, the group's largest operating unit, so as to concentrate on strategy and business transformation issues. Chief among these is the repositioning of the company to appeal to a broader customer base through Internet distribution channels.

As part of the reshuffle, chief technology officer Mike Sayer will now report directly to Glocer, a move that signals the increased importance of technical innovation within this future strategy. Reuters Editor-in-Chief will, as prior, continue to report to Job.

Philip Green, currently chief executive of Reuters Trading Solutions, will now also take on the management of Reuters Information, so becoming responsible for the whole of Reuters Financial worldwide. Reuters Financial embraces the Reuters Trading Solutions, Reuters Information and Reuters Consulting operations.

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