Bell ID releases ANDiS4EMV for phased EMV migration

Bell ID releases ANDiS4EMV for phased EMV migration

Bell ID is releasing ANDiS4EMV, a turnkey package that allows card issuers to adopt a phased approach to EMV migration.

ANDiS4EMV is available as a total package but can also be implemented gradually if and when specific functionality is required.

The package in based on the vendor's ANDiS card and application management system (CMS/AMS) and the ANDiS key management system (KMS).

The product provides data preparation, card issuance, multi-application card management, key management and, optionally, post-issuance personalisation. The system also includes support for EMV cryptographic processes, templates and risk parameters.

Bell ID will unveil the system at the Cartes 2003 exhibition of smart card technology in Paris next week.

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