FSA launches site for advice on personal finance issues

FSA launches site for advice on personal finance issues

The UK's Financial Services Authority has launched its new 'Shop Around' Web pages, to give clear, impartial and reliable information about how to find the best deal when looking for a pension, mortgage, ISA, unit trust or other financial product.

Customers can visit the website - www.fsa.gov.uk/consumerhelp - for tips on how to decide which is the best type of product for them, and the questions they need to ask before signing on the dotted line, says the organisation.

Head of Consumer Education at the FSA, Deborah Arnott, says: "By shopping around and asking a few key questions, consumers can reduce the risk of ending up with an unsuitable product which could prove costly in the future."

Financial products and services covered by the 'Shop Around' pages include current accounts; savings accounts; loans and credit; national savings; insurance; mortgages; home income plans/equity release schemes; pensions; ISA’s; shares; unit trusts; open ended investment companies (OEIC’s); investment trusts and exchange traded funds; and gilts and corporate bonds.

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