Jarvis replaces KTS' QuoteTerminal with royalblue's fidessa

Jarvis replaces KTS' QuoteTerminal with royalblue's fidessa

UK stockbroker Jarvis Investment Management is installing royalblue's fidessa market data and trading Workstations, displacing Knowledge Technology Solution's QuoteTerminal product.

The fidessa Workstation provides real-time coverage of UK equity pricing data (level 1 and level 2) along with news, charts, company fundamentals, broker forecasts, indices, forex and other benchmark data.

Additionally, the product provides trading access to the LSE Sets market as well as other UK broker retail service provider (RSP) networks.

Kerry Belcher of Jarvis, says: "We needed a new market data workstation supplier to address existing reliability issues. Having looked at all the offerings in the UK equity space, the fidessa product from royalblue was the clear class leader."

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