NeoNet connects to Radianz extranet

NeoNet connects to Radianz extranet

Swedish equities trading agency broker Neonet has signed a contract to use Radianz's IP-based global financial extranet, RadianzNet, to provide clients in the US and Europe with FIX connectivity.

NeoNet offers equity execution services on the New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, Amex, and on the London, Frankfurt, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Milan, Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen and Oslo stock exchanges.

Pia Hofstedt, CIO of NeoNet, says: "Using RadianzNet will enable us to efficiently expand our client connectivity alternatives since we will be able to leverage Radianz's existing connectivity to thousands of financial institutions."

Radianz says the addition of NeoNet to its customer base also gives the nearly 10,000 financial sites worldwide that are connected to its extranet the ability to execute on the exchanges offered through NeoNet.

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