Deutsche Bank at Sibos is promoting the latest advances in its efforts to create a single global platform for US dollar, euro and British pound.
The bank says that moves to merge the payments franchises at Deutsche and Bankers Trust has presented a multitude of synergies. Four regional processing hubs have been established - in Eschborn, Germany, New York, United States, Dublin, Ireland and most recently Bangalore, India - with mutual back-up functions.
Norbert Wanninger, head of global cash management at Deutsche Bank, says: "Our market-leading services offer uniform quality and functionality across currencies. With the necessary liquidity at our disposal, we are uniquely positioned in the marketplace as consolidation continues at an ever accelerating rate."
At Sibos, Deutsche is showcasing new product developments in global cash management including enhancements to web-based client access systems such as:
- db-cinq – the automated investigation and inquiry system now features Deutsche's GBP business alongisde euro and USD;
- db-direct internet – the payment initiation system includes a new custody module,
- db-image solutions – the online cheque image archive offers a newly Web-enabled 'Return Item Viewer' that provides access to images of deposited return items and their advices as well as associated reports.
In the commercial payments arena, Deutsche is pushing its outsourcing business model. The bank's 'Direct Customer Transfer with Future Advising' product is now available in euro as well as USD, and the bank is actively targeting the EU payments business of Asian and east European banks.