Eurex Bonds expands participants and products

Eurex Bonds expands participants and products

Eurex Bonds, the electronic trading platform for German government bonds, has welcomed three new participants to the network and announced plans to extend its product range to include treasury discount notes, or Bubills.

With the introduction of Bubills, all German government bonds with maturities in the range of six months to 30 years will be tradable on the fixed income platform. Eurex Bonds says it will introduce a market-making programme in this segment in order to provide for sufficient liquidity.

Eurex says it has added three new new trading participants - WGZ-Bank, Société Générale and Citigroup Global Markets - since early September, bringing the total number of organisations on the platform to 26.

The Swiss-German derivatives exchange says that international interest in the platform - which posted its highest monthly turnover of the current year in September - continues to be strong, presaging a possible move beyond the German market.

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