Kalahari launches data cleansing and publishing hub

Kalahari launches data cleansing and publishing hub

UK analytics vendor Kalahari has entered the reference date arena with the launch of DataPort, a centralised data collection, cleansing and publishing solution for global broking and financial institutions.

DataPort acquires market data from various sources within the company, such as spreadsheets and in-house pricing systems, and pushes prices in real-time into its publishing hub. The hub then synchronises the data and pushes it out to customers via one or more data platforms, including RMDS and Triarch.

Data produced for publishing is processed differently to desk pricing, says the vendor, but with minimal impact on existing systems and processes. The audit facility within DataPort can be used to provide a snapshot of any selection of published data, and can be used to maintain historical logs as well as provide an audit of all published data.

David Harrelson, global managing director of Kalahari says a number of initial deployments of DataPort are already underway at client sites

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