The Euro Banking Association (EBA) published today recent results of its research and assessment work on Supply Chain Finance topics and alternative electronic payments.
Publication of extended and updated Supply Chain Finance guide
During a session at the EBAday conference in Helsinki, the EBA presented the second edition of its comprehensive guide to the European supply chain finance market, which constitutes an extended and updated version of the initial edition issued in May 2013. The second edition includes, among other new content, a comprehensive analysis of the Bank Payment Obligation (BPO) and an update on regulatory developments.
The delivery of this updated market guide is part of the EBA's initiative to provide comprehensive background information on the rapidly evolving SCF market and to respond to a growing need for industry collaboration in this market on a number of topics. The guide includes recommendations on managing financial industry collaboration and partnerships in this area at all levels.
"Version 2.0 of the EBA Supply Chain Finance market guide is a result of the continued monitoring and study of the SCF market by our expert working group. It is one of our key objectives to help our member banks and the wider industry to assess the opportunities and risks of this growing market," said Daniel Szmukler, Director, Euro Banking Association. "As part of the EBA's collaborative engagement, we also contribute to the Global SCF Forum working on the development of standard market definitions for the range of SCF instruments offered by the market."
Publication of opinion papers on digital identity services and user requirements for next generation alternative retail payments
The changing needs in the area of retail payments and their impact on traditional cash, cards and ACH payments are another key focus of the EBA's research and assessment activities. For EBAday 2014, the EBA has published two opinion papers, one on the value of digital identity services to banks and a second one on user requirements for next generation alternative retail payments.
"The two opinion papers issued by the EBA Working Group on Alternative Electronic Payments result from our analysis of market trends and user requirements in this area and are geared at fostering debate within our membership and beyond," said Daniel Szmukler. "These opinion papers may support banks in determining where and how collaborative initiatives in this area could be beneficial. We hope they will help to pave the way towards the development of (new) best-inclass electronic ACH and alternative payments."