International Life General Insurance deploys Saperion document management technology

Source: Saperion

International Life General Insurance S.A. now uses Saperion as their document management and archiving Solution.

In a first stage around 210'000 vehicle insurance documents will be processed per year. Expansion is planned.

The International Life General Insurance S.A. is among the top 13 Insurance and Finance groups in the Greek market. The International Life group chose Saperion for its ability to integrate with existing company systems. Staff are able to use new functionality without changing proven process steps and routines. Increased speed and security is another plus. Access to all documents is fast and secure. Customer enquiries can be answered quicker and communication generally is accelerated.

In detail; no time wasting searches for documents in different files, document search is visibly quicker; direct access to customer documents and data is allowed only for authorised staff; there is a reduced need for storage space; business processes are transparent; new documents are automatically scanned, classified and transferred to the Saperion database; staff are automatically notified of new incoming documents.

Initially, Saperion is to be used in vehicle insurance. This department deals with more than 210'000 documents per year, the result of more than 150 client queries a week. Implementing Saperion in the whole group will mean processing 2'000'000 documents per year.

Actis Information Systems & Services SA from Athens, a Saperion Premium Partner, has developed and implemented the Solution. Since 2001, Actis has completed a number of successful Saperion projects in Greece, for example the Ministry for Civil Protection, Public Administration and Decentralisation as well as the Marfin Egnatia Bank.

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