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Swift Business Forum New York - live blog

Welcome to Finextra's live coverage of the Swift Business Forum New York 2018. This event will focus on important issues affecting the financial industry, exploring how far and how fast the transformation of financial services will take place in the US and how firms can win in a digital-first world.


Oz challenger bank Judo Capital signs for Temenos Cloud

Australian challenger bank Judo Capital has opted to launch on Temenos Cloud as it bids to break into the country's SME sector.


Sage CEO steps down amid cloud problems

Accounting software firm Sage has parted company with its chief executive following problems encountered in the migration of its service to the cloud


Paytm rolls out AI cloud for India's developers

India-based digital payments firm Paytm has announced the launch of AI Cloud India, a platform designed to help developers, startups and small businesses create their own payment-related apps and services.


ING rolls out contact centre platform across 12 countries

ING is rolling out a unified contact centre platform fit for the omni-channel era across 12 countries.


ICE, Microsoft and Starbucks form cryptocurrency venture

Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) is teaming up with Microsoft, Starbucks and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to launch a platform that lets people and firms buy, sell, store and spend digital assets such as Bitcoin on a seamless global network.


Digital Asset to provide 'blockchain-as-a-service' via Google Cloud

Digital Asset is porting a suite of blockchain-based technology to Google Cloud, providing an on-demand environment for developers to build, test and deploy distributed ledger applications.


Capital markets firms to ramp up spending on cloud technologies

Capital markets firms plan to accelerate their investment in public cloud technologies, with spending on off-premise computing set to consume 47% of IT budgets by 2019, up from 30% last year.


No greater change will occur than that in financial services

Twelve hundred banking professionals gathered from around the world to network and discuss the challenges and benefits of digital transformation at the Temenos Community Forum. The venue was the National Convention Centre in Dublin. The theme- Digital to the Core.


Banca Carige and IBM create $500 million joint venture

Italy's Banca Carige has outsourced its digital transformation programme to IBM under a $500 million joint venture dubbed Dock.


EBA warns banks on being too passive or proactive on fintech

As they seek to steer a course through the new fintech environment, financial services firms must beware the risks to their business models of both being too passive and too gung-ho in their embrace of new technologies, says a European Banking Authority report.


BBVA creates Next Technologies unit; tests selfie payments

BBVA is doubling down on its digital transformation programme, merging two units to create an engineering company that will be home to 1200 tech staffers working on everything from cloud computing to AI to blockchain.