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7 ways banks can leverage the cloud to achieve customer centricity

Evidence suggests that centring operations around customers rather than focusing on products improves user experience and generates revenue. The cloud can help incumbent banks digitise operations that are structured around siloed, on-premises systems, data and processes, and enable them to become customer-centric.


Putting regulatory reporters in the driving seat with the cloud

Regulatory reports have become too complex to handle, forcing banks to search for alternative and sustainable cloud-based solutions that can reduce the cost of compliance.


Westpac wants your next bank manager to be a robot

Westpac CEO Brian Hartzer says the bank wants to recreate the personal touch of the old-time bank manager by using artificial intelligence technology to pander to each customer's particular needs.


The CIO’s blueprint for streamlining digital business agreements

80% of financial institutions will become irrelevant by 2030 due to their inability to compete with digitally-savvy rivals, according to research by Gartner.


Will trust woes undermine Open Banking under PSD2?

In a roundtable discussion held Wednesday in London hosted by digital payments firm PPRO, industry leaders met to explore the impact PSD2 has imposed on key players in Open Banking and the changes needed to achieve the regulation’s objective in 2020 and beyond.


IBM launches 'financial-services ready' public cloud with Bank of America

IBM has launched a public cloud platform designed specifically to meet bank requirements for regulatory compliance, security and resiliency and brought Bank of America onbopard as its first client.


AFME urges faster adoption of cloud computing in capital markets

The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) has set out 14 recommendations to help realise the full potential of public cloud computing across the capital markets industry, as issues around legacy technology, security and regulatory concerns and standardisation slow uptake.


UK MPs demand urgent action on bank IT failures

UK politicians have rounded on the nation's banks over an "unacceptable" level of IT crashes and outages, calling on regulators to take action to improve operational resilience across the sector and to consider the implementation of new rules on cloud service providers.


Santander InnoVentures invests in Roostify

Santander InnoVentures has led an expansion funding round for San Francisco-based digital mortgage lending platform Roostify. The size of the round has not been disclosed.


AI, cloud, blockchain and beyond: Changing the financial world individually and in tandem

AI, cloud, blockchain and quantum computing form some of the pillars the much-discussed Fourth Industrial Revolution, with financial services watching on in anticipation of the disruption they promise in the years ahead.


How the cloud increases capacity and agility

The cloud propels financial institutions (FIs) forward and provides the opportunity to scale in line with market demands such as volatility in the capital markets space, new regulations in banking and payments or increasing data assets in the insurance industry.


Leveraging cloud migration to power digital transformation

The volume of data has exploded, and it is becoming increasingly important for financial institutions (FIs) to manage and derive value from their data. However, harnessing data is not a simple task and an increasing number of organisations are leveraging cloud to unlock new value.