The long read
Risky Business Series: An evolution of risk management

Risky Business Series: An evolution of risk management

Richard Dupree
22 Apr 2021

This piece was co-authored by Richard Dupree and Joshua Rapp. I have written about other aspects of...

Regulatory Change Management: solving the modern Rubik’s Cube

Regulatory Change Management: solving the modern Rubik’s Cube

Richard Dupree
05 Nov 2020

The very reclusive inventor of arguably the world’s most popular 3D puzzle, the Rubik’s Cube, just r...

Risk Appetite: How are you Spending your Quarters at the Risk Arcade?

Risk Appetite: How are you Spending your Quarters at the Risk Arcade?

Richard Dupree
13 Aug 2020

When I was a kid in Texas, I would spend most weekends squandering my hard-earned allowance at the l...

The Three Lines of Defence: Time to Recall the Kraken?

The Three Lines of Defence: Time to Recall the Kraken?

Richard Dupree
23 Jun 2020

In the 1981 movie Clash of the Titans (and again in the 2010 remake of the same name), the Greek myt...