
7 Results from "Richard Peers"

Richard Peers

Richard Peers Founder at ResponsibleRisk Ltd

Why climate adaption must consider people, profit, and planet in financial services

The Right Honourable Lord Deben stepped up to the podium at City & Financial’s Financial Services Climate Adaptation Summit, in London during March, and was in no mood to deliver the normal platitudes often heard at a conference. Prior to Deben taking the stage, we had been hearing about the practical implications for managing climate risk, ope...


Richard Peers

Richard Peers Founder at ResponsibleRisk Ltd

Using Star Trek to predict sustainable finance moves in 2023

William Shatner, Captain Kirk of Star Trek fame, recently went into space aboard the Blue Origin Rocket. He said: “Last year, I had a life-changing experience at 90 years old. I went to space, after decades of playing an iconic science-fiction character who was exploring the universe. I thought I would experience a deep connection with the immensi...


Richard Peers

Richard Peers Founder at ResponsibleRisk Ltd

COP26: Why a data commons is needed to secure net zero commitments

We don’t have time for everyone to build their own financial and non-financial data aggregation platforms in order to facilitate capital allocation. Open-source collaboration could be the answer. At COP26 in Glasgow, I was invited to be the master of ceremonies for an event hosted by Federated Hermes’ Daniel Godfrey, and delivered by OS-Climate. ...


Richard Peers

Richard Peers Founder at ResponsibleRisk Ltd

Aligning ESG Measurements to Outcomes Has Been Notoriously Hard, Until Now

Can Sustainable Finance help protect natural ecosystems and preserve Bio-diversity? In a previous life it seems, I travelled to Borneo with my wife. Thirty years ago, we were alone with a guide as we drifted along in a boat watching Proboscis monkeys shelter from the rain under leaves, like old men caught in the open and hiding under newspapers. W...


Richard Peers

Richard Peers Founder at ResponsibleRisk Ltd

How social impact investing initiatives are leading by example

Sarah Gordon, CEO, Impact Investing Institute (III), and I sat down across a virtual desk last week to discuss her role, who the III are what they plan to achieve. Sarah started by explaining that the III builds on from previous initiatives around social impact investing that were set after the UK leadership of the G8 in 2012, to see what was stop...


Richard Peers

Richard Peers Founder at ResponsibleRisk Ltd

Pensions for the Planet

When Richard Curtis, co-founder of Red Nose Day, Make Poverty history and writer/director of a few much loved films such as Four Weddings and a Funeral states that Pensions are going to have the biggest impact on climate change and the UN SDGs, you lean in to learn more. Last week I tuned into an online briefing via The Conduit Club a club for c...


Richard Peers

Richard Peers Founder at ResponsibleRisk Ltd

Rethinking Business at a Rethought conference

As we all switch to online conferences, I tuned into a day long event hosted by Imperial College entitled ‘Beyond Sustainability: Radically Rethinking the Purpose of Business’. Mike Coupe, the CEO of Sainsburys, set the scene outlining the journey of the Retailer from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through Environment Social and Governance ...
