
84 Results from "Sehrish Alikhan"

Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

What is the water crisis and what role does climate finance play?

We are killing the planet in so many ways! Climate change and global warming have caused a major water crisis. There are two billion people worldwide who do not have access to safe drinking water according to the UN. Water supply available has been decreasing due to rise of sea-levels, rise in sea temperatures, and the melting of glaciers and icec...


Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

Why aren’t older adults in the US equipped to handle financial shocks?

A study from the Aspen Institute revealed that 47% of older adults in the US are not prepared to handle financial shocks, such as medical expenses, emergencies, or a sudden loss of income. The study outlines how older individuals are relying on financial tools that take advantage of them by abusing penalties, interest rates, and fees, in order to ...


Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

Allocating green capital to housing: Why energy efficiency needs to be prioritised

The climate crisis and cost of living crisis are both well underway and wreaking considerable damage on the livelihoods and fiscal capabilities of the UK public. Financial institutions and the government need to step up green initiatives to make housing more sustainable and more affordable. While these may seem like two different, and even opposin...


Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

What is the role of biodiversity bonds in green finance?

Last month, BBVA Colombia announced it will be issuing the financial sector’s first biodiversity bond of $50 million, in association with IFC. So, what are biodiversity bonds, and what do they mean for sustainable finance? The BBVA investment marks progress in financing green projects; focusing on allocating capital for natural resources and initi...


Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

Is the UK in a credit crisis?

It should not be a surprise, given that the UK is deep into a cost-of-living crisis with nothing to indicate relief on the horizon, that there is also a credit crisis underway. Living costs leading to debt burdens The cost-of-living crisis has increased the prices of household bills including energy and water, as well as inflating prices of housing...


Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

UK election 2024 fallout: What are Labour’s plans for fintech?

The Labour Party’s landslide victory in the UK general election last week kicked the Conservatives out of office, replacing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with Keir Starmer. However, while the Labour Party gained the majority of seats in the house, the Tories retained 121 seats, and other notable parties, including the Green Party, Reform UK, and Libe...


Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

UK election 2024: What the manifestos mean for sustainability

The UK general election will take place on July 4, with each party championing different priorities when it comes to the future of the country. Along with the many needs of a nation, one glaring main concern of each platform should be their sustainable development goals and climate focus for the future. Dominic Rowles, lead ESG analyst at Hargreav...


Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

London’s abuzz with Climate Action Week 2024

June 22-29 celebrates London Climate Action Week (LCAW), a week of events, conferences, seminars, and discussions about the future of the City of London in its approach to climate change mitigation. The events taking place all over the city this week range from panel sessions and webinars to carbon literacy workshops and park tours. Making moves B...


Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

How can fintechs ensure further profitability amid macro-economic challenges?

Funding for startups and fintech has fallen to a low point since its peak in 2021. Yet, many companies with a more solid base are looking at how they can expand further and create more profitability in a challenging macroeconomic environment. Q1 2024 saw only 904 deals and $7.3 billion in fintech funding, which was the worst performing quarter sinc...


Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

ERP migrations and the pitfalls of decayed bank master data

In a data-rich world, financial institutions are already struggling with fractured bank master data. Add on top of that data decay and the drive towards migration as many ERP (enterprise resource planning) providers move towards the end-of-life dates for their traditional ERP systems, migration is becoming a herculean task. In the face of a loomin...


Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

The telecom-fintech overlap

With the common factor of being two sectors consistently on the forefront of innovation, the telecommunications and fintech industries have intersected in exciting new ways that redefine each industry and pushes towards new business models. There is significant overlap between the sectors, with both telecoms and fintech being heavily regulated indu...


Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

What is pay by bank?

2024 might be the year that pay by bank hits the mainstream. Pay by bank is a direct account-to-account payment methods that many fintechs have been increasingly been drawn to as open banking has become more established in Europe. Pay by bank may be on track to replace card payments, as it is an alternate payment method that requires no log-in or a...
