
99 Results from "Retired Member"

Retired Member

Retired Member

The wholesale financial services firm of the future cannot survive without AI

A perfect storm of pressures which has been building on the financial services industry for years has come to a head. Covid-19 has been a catalyst for change for institutions who have been facing a build-up of competitive and regulatory pressures and now have to face the urgency of making their business models fit for purpose. AI, for many years a ...


Retired Member

Retired Member

Payments in 2021: Putting futureproofing to the test via digitisation, speed and data

Following a turbulent and challenging 2020, businesses have been reminded with stark force of the need to be as prepared as possible for whatever lies ahead, futureproofing where they can. Future market trends are harder to predict than ever, with the growing influence of politics on financial markets and the addition of Covid-19 bringing a new di...


Retired Member

Retired Member

Accelerating Payments: Is Cash Still Relevant?

When did you last use an ATM? Or pay for something in cash? The chances are that, for many people, the answer is months ago – perhaps even before the pandemic. Innovation in electronic point-of-sale technology means that paying digitally is now the norm, even at the market, coffee takeaway or corner shop. In March 2020, the World Health Organisat...


Retired Member

Retired Member

Financial Regulations and Compliance: What Changes to Expect in 2021

2020 was a rough year for the financial services industry. Between the Covid-19 pandemic and the FinCEN files leak, several shortcomings within the sector were exposed, while global regulators continued to slap Financial Institutions around the world with hefty fines. By December 2020, global FIs were fined a total of $10.6 billion for non-complia...


Retired Member

Retired Member

What to expect across core banking this year: Embracing fintech, more APIs and enabling DIY Finance

While financial institutions were already boosting their focus on technology pre-pandemic, the Covid-19 outbreak hit the fast-forward button on this digitisation progress with force. We’ve all seen how banks and financial institutions have stepped it up when it comes to process handling amidst the crisis, helping fill the void created by lengthy q...


Retired Member

Retired Member

Mobile commerce will lead the way in 2021

Pandemic fuelled acceleration of smartphone content consumption, mCommerce and mobile payments will continue in 2021 Predictions are notoriously hard to make, and even more difficult for 2021 given the constant economic turmoil caused by the coronavirus pandemic. But with national governments worldwide imposing new lockdown restrictions every week ...


Retired Member

Retired Member

Priorities in payments

While the Covid-19 pandemic was a major driver for payment innovation in 2020, regulation is likely to set financial institution priorities in 2021 for most of the world. In Europe, for example, the Retail Payments Strategy (RPS) will lead payment innovation agendas, requiring financial institutions to support cross-border instant pan-European paym...


Retired Member

Retired Member

Key priorities for fintech in 2021

As we enter the new year, businesses will now be considering their priorities for 2021. The impact of the global health crisis since the beginning of 2020 will be at the forefront of their minds, but so too will the trends that have been taking shape away from the media headlines. While it is difficult to predict the future, particularly in uncert...


Retired Member

Retired Member

Corporate banking in 2021

Financial institutions seeking to expand into the lucrative commercial sector face their own set of difficulties as regulations and cost containment take centre stage. In 2021, banks should be primed to address several overarching challenges in the quest for SME business. Embedding comprehensive digital capabilities is also essential to aid expens...


Retired Member

Retired Member

Treasury management trends

Six prominent treasury trends that will help guide strategy and technology adoption for financial institutions in 2021 include: The only constant will be an increase in the rate of change As the oil that lubricates the economy, financial institutions will need to react quickly to the impact of the pandemic. Digitalization, cloud and platformificati...


Retired Member

Retired Member

Platformification in banking: what lies ahead?

Changing customer needs really tested the digital capabilities of financial institutions in 2020, spurring a huge acceleration in the pace of digital transformation across the industry. Around the world, branch closures show the dramatic shift that’s been taking place as customers move away from branch-based banking to online and mobile banking. A...


Retired Member

Retired Member

Treasury 2025: Finance departments in mid-sized corporates need to become innovation enablers

Nordea’s wide ranging ‘Treasury 2025’ survey of Nordic companies shines a light on finance/treasury departments in mid-sized corporates and their role in driving innovation. While many are optimistic about playing an increasing role in changing business models, they are not seen as particularly innovative by the rest of the business. Nordea’s annu...
