
120 Results from "Madhvi Sonia"

Madhvi Sonia

Madhvi Sonia Head of Content at Finextra

What Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos stepping down means for fintech

Jeff Bezos will step down as founder and CEO of Amazon and transition to chairman in 2021, allowing seasoned cloud executive Andy Jassy to take the reins of the $1.6 trillion giant. As detailed in an email to his employees, Bezos will focus his “energies and attention on new products and early initiatives,” suggesting that the world’s richest man ...


Madhvi Sonia

Madhvi Sonia Head of Content at Finextra

Finextra’s Top Long Reads of 2020

With 2020 drawing to a close, we take a look back at our most popular long reads over the course of the past year. What should be taken into account if Artificial Intelligence is to be regulated? In this article, Juan Murillo, Senior Manager of Data Strategy at BBVA, and Jesús Lozano, Manager of Digital Regulation at BBVA, analyse the potential im...


Madhvi Sonia

Madhvi Sonia Head of Content at Finextra

Beyond Invisible Solutions: Banks Should be Preventing Fraud, not Playing Catch Up

Ville Sointu, head of emerging technologies at Nordea, highlights that the intent of GDPR was “fantastic. It provides better data protection for the citizens of the European Union and beyond and therefore, asking companies to be more diligent with personal data and giving customers more control.” However, despite these intentions, there are downsi...


Madhvi Sonia

Madhvi Sonia Head of Content at Finextra

Event Stream Processing: How Banks Can Overcome SQL and NoSQL Related Obstacles with Apache Kafka

While getting to grips with open banking regulation, skyrocketing transaction volumes and expanding customer expectations, banks have been rolling out major transformations of data infrastructure and partnering with Silicon Valley’s most innovative tech companies to rebuild the banking business around a central nervous system. This can also be lab...


Madhvi Sonia

Madhvi Sonia Head of Content at Finextra

There is more to digital payments in Africa than M-Pesa

In 2010, Kenyan payments, money transfer and micro-financing service M-Pesa became the most successful mobile phone based financial service in the developing world, just three years after the launch by network operators Vodafone and Safaricom. Since then, while other developing markets such as the APAC and LATAM regions have dominated headlines, t...


Madhvi Sonia

Madhvi Sonia Head of Content at Finextra

What are the implications of digital transformation on payments?

Financial institutions have been forced to step up their game in order to keep up with consumer demand and push out several different products and services, leveraging emerging technologies, to provide customers with choice. Today, retail customers can deposit cheques, transfer funds and apply for loans from their mobile devices, signifying that w...


Madhvi Sonia

Madhvi Sonia Head of Content at Finextra

Is Python storming ahead of Java in fintech?

The use of Python is catching up to Java in banking and fintech applications, but what are the reasons behind the emergence of Python? While three million developers have joined the Java community in the past year, in the banking sector, Python is fast closing in on Java’s position in top spot. Python’s backstory in banking Across all sectors, Pyt...


Madhvi Sonia

Madhvi Sonia Head of Content at Finextra

Women in finance: How AI is shining a light on diversity

Despite equality being one of the cornerstones of civilised society, a lack of gender parity and diversity within the financial services industry continues to be a problem, with many banks maintaining disparate corporate policies and different ways of ensuring work environments operate efficiently for all genders employed in the sector. UNICEF dat...


Madhvi Sonia

Madhvi Sonia Head of Content at Finextra

The tipping point of AI FOMO

While artificial intelligence is transforming several industries, the financial sector has a lot to learn from specific case studies in non-banking areas such as health, travel and retail. To start at the beginning, despite the term AI having been bandied about with a number of different definitions, the actual definition is simple: technology tha...


Madhvi Sonia

Madhvi Sonia Head of Content at Finextra

Cutting through the hype of personal identity

As we progress further into 2020, it is evident that the issues and opportunities surrounding the topic of identity within the financial services marketplace are undergoing fundamental change. Because of technological advance, digital verification is playing a larger part in banking. Developments such as social media and mobile phones have provide...


Madhvi Sonia

Madhvi Sonia Head of Content at Finextra

What are the benefits of being born in the cloud?

An increasing number of challenger banks, neobanks and digital offshoots are being born in the cloud and the technology is now being used by traditional banks and new players alike for all IT needs. Banks that are born in the cloud are at an advantage because legacy players that are in the process of migrating to the cloud are struggling with appl...


Madhvi Sonia

Madhvi Sonia Head of Content at Finextra

Open Banking year one: Insights from the CMA9 and more

A review of the first year of the UK’s groundbreaking experiment in Open Banking. What worked? What didn’t? And what next? 13th January 2019 marks one year since the start of the UK’s Open Banking initiative, which over the course of 12 months resulted in incumbent banks losing their tight grip on payments services, fintechs gaining access to a la...