
Latest Results from /people

Kirstie McDermott

Kirstie McDermott Senior Content Editor at Amply

This is why data science will be a growth career in 2023

After six months of tech layoffs, revaluations, worries about the economy and a looming recession, you would be forgiven for wondering what way to jump if you are considering a job or career change in 2023. Some job titles appear to be bearing the brunt of layoffs, such as in-house recruiters. At Amazon, the company extended buyout offers to hundre...


Kirstie McDermott

Kirstie McDermott Senior Content Editor at Amply

Is authenticity the next big workplace essential?

Real world events influence how we see and experience our workplaces. For those at Twitter, questioning the direction of the organisation is likely to be at the top of their minds, as Elon Musk guts teams globally, and brings in ‘hardcore’ working practices for the employees who remain. In the U.S., following the death of George Floyd in May 2020 ...


Kirstie McDermott

Kirstie McDermott Senior Content Editor at Amply

If you have been laid off from a tech company - what happens now?

Tech layoffs are dominating the news cycle, and none more so than Elon Musk’s pillaging of Twitter. The Space X CEO started his tenure at the social media platform by firing several top executives, and followed that with a company-wide missive announcing huge layoff plans. In Europe, the full impact of the redundancies has yet to be seen as Twitte...


Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith Founding CTO at RTGS & ClearBank

Agile Series: SAS Rogue Heroes - the original agile team

Currently airing on the BBC is a superb series that takes you through the origins of the SAS (Special Air Service). Though some of it has been made for our viewing, the vast majority of the storyline and characters is very much true. If you have not watched it, I highly recommend you look out for SAS Rogue Heroes. But how is this in any way shape ...


Aoibhinn Mc Bride

Aoibhinn Mc Bride Content Editor at Jobbio

Is Slack-splaining eating into your work day?

‘Wow!!! Thank you SO much. LOL…’ What do these three phrases have in common? They are all part of the Slack-splaining lexicon of excess exclamation marks, unnecessary capitalisation and informal acronyms the vast majority of us have adopted since we started working remotely and now rely on instant messaging apps to communicate with colleagues thro...


Andrea Himmelbauer

Andrea Himmelbauer People and Culture Lead at Mettle

From fully remote to hybrid, how do we keep people engaged?

The working world has seen a lot of change over the past few years. Being in the office full time has changed to a hybrid model of working – with some teams at home and some in the office. The challenge now is keeping a remote workforce engaged, not only for a great company culture, but also to retain and attract new and diverse talent. We know w...


Aoibhinn Mc Bride

Aoibhinn Mc Bride Content Editor at Jobbio

Being 1% happier at work could boost the economy by £24 billion

Can happiness really be quantified? The answer is a resounding ‘yes’ according to research conducted by Psychological Technologies (PSYT). Its app-based study of UK employees found that if every employee in the country was just 1% happier, it could add £24 billion to the UK economy every year. It also calculated that being 1% happier could boost t...


Andrea Himmelbauer

Andrea Himmelbauer People and Culture Lead at Mettle

How do traditionally male-dominated industries attract and retain female talent in tech roles?

As a whole, the UK fintech industry is evolving to become a place where talent — in all its diverse forms — can grow. It’s therefore important that we understand how businesses can attract and retain an inclusive and diverse workforce. Whilst diversity problems remain prevalent, significant progress has been made in recent years. And although fina...


Aoibhinn Mc Bride

Aoibhinn Mc Bride Content Editor at Jobbio

Rejected for a job? You should consider reapplying

Rejection is never easy, especially when it comes to your career. But a rejection letter doesn’t have to mean you’ve come to the end of the road with a particular job or company. According to research compiled by StandOut CV, only 2% of candidates that apply for a job will be called for an interview, and employers will typically only call six peopl...


Kirstie McDermott

Kirstie McDermott Senior Content Editor at Amply

The Zoom ceiling is the new glass ceiling

In 1978, writer Marilyn Loden coined the term “the glass ceiling” to describe the often invisible barriers women and minorities face in the workplace. While women do not tend to experience difficulty entering organisations at lower-to-middle levels, they often get stuck when they seek to advance to leadership positions and their numbers dwindle. H...


Aoibhinn Mc Bride

Aoibhinn Mc Bride Content Editor at Jobbio

These perks can add to your salary

In the post-pandemic world, perks like on-site meals and snacks, massages, and being able to conduct a team meeting from the comfort of an indoor hammock have lost their value. According to a new Work Trend Index study, 47% of workers are now more likely to put family and personal life over work than they were before the pandemic. In addition, 53%...


Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

Breaking into Fintech: Here’s how to get hired at Xero

Sitting down with Tracey Wells, talent experience manager at Xero, we discussed how potential hires can learn about the fintech field and land their ideal position. The New Zealand-based software company specialises in cloud-based accounting software and has offices from New Zealand and Australia, to the UK, and US. What top tips can you offer cand...
