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1077 Results from 2016

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Not the time to take your foot off the gas!

2016 was meant to be a key year from a regulatory compliance standpoint. This perception was mostly driven by the timeline of MiFID II / MiFIR, the giant that dwarfs its predecessor in complexity and scope; the monster piece of regulation with tentacles reaching out to virtually every other major directive or regulation: The Market Abuse Directive...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The PFM Genie is stirring

If it’s true, as we often hear, that the consumer has finally lost patience with his or her bank, insurer, mortgage lender or wealth manager, then can we look forward to a ‘two speed FS’ emerging? 1. Those who ‘get it’, respond and accelerate. 2. And those who think that little has changed, who fall by the wayside. Dig into the reasons why custo...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

DIGITAL BANKING Tips - 32: Bancassurance

Bancassurance is one of the most profitable partnerships banks have, as the name implies, with insurance companies. This means insurance companies sell their products via bank’s online and offline channels to bank clients. In return, banks get fees or commissions so there is a win – win relationship has been set up between the two parties. Selling...


Nigel Farmer

Nigel Farmer Industry Director, Capital Markets at Software AG

Capital Markets 2016 Facing Regulation, Data and Disruption

Capital markets are in a state of flux thanks to new regulations and disruptive competition from fintech, so 2016 will be the year that defines the way financial services companies can move forward. The new landscape means they have to get creative to address new competition while still remaining in compliance. Here are our predictions for 2016: ...


Nick Ogden

Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research

Negative Interest Rates - UK banks introduce plans to charge their customers

Who could have predicted that in 2016, following the disasters of 2007-9 that the main banks in the UK would be planning for negative interest charges against their business customers. Never, absurd, I hear the cries of common sense but sadly true as many business customers are finding out today in their post. I quote "The interest rate we ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Fintech Alliance Helps Drive Prepaid into the Mainstream

The rapid growth of the prepaid card market provides instructive lessons on the changing dynamic of consumer behaviour patterns, and illustrates how banks can best innovate and adapt to this fluid landscape. The 2008 recession initiated a number of significant shifts in consumer habits – from a migration away from premium brands to changing shoppin...

Neil Crammond

Neil Crammond risk education & real time market abuse at DIVENTO FINANCIALS


Navindar Sarao returns to court on thursday 4th February accused of triggering the May 6th 2010 flash crash . if you have time to look at above and perhaps you will realize that it was impossible for him to be guilty during this event . There were hardly any orders on the way down in the s&p's or later on t...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

NO! Challenger Banks will NOT be Uberizing Retail Banking

As a self-confessed Millenial and (I like to think) early adopter I for one am slightly fed up of hearing this talk about new entrants into the Banking sector and specifically ‘Challenger Banks’ will potentially displace / disrupt banking and the whole financial system. There is some truth to it, but there is far too much hyperbole. Banks SHOULD b...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

How do bank relationship managers drive digital engagement?

From analogue to digital Banks’ small business relationship management isn’t what it used to be. Digital services have taken over from the branch, resulting in branch closures and, subsequently, relationship managers no longer have the capacity to offer all their clients the tailored, personal advice that they used to. The average small and medium...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Innovating in the FCA's Sandbox

Ever since the FCA announced Project Innovate, I've been looking forward to seeing the opportunities that this would open up for financial services. For those of you who don’t know what this initiative is, here's a quick summary. Project Innovate was developed by the FCA to foster competition and growth in financial services. Its role is to by supp...


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