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1077 Results from 2016

Retired Member

Retired Member 

In Cash We Trust

When I was a student my mother presented me with a note that her father had given her as a child, She said ‘It’s German and it’s worth a thousand marks’. As you’ve probably gathered it was a 1000 Reichsmark note dated April 1910 and therefore literally ‘not worth the paper it’s written on’. I still have the note. I use it as a bookmark and hav...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Fraud in Blockchains and Smart Contracts

Yes, Smart contracts and blockchains can change the world of digital assets, their exchange, and automated administration of contracts. Much is being talked about this promise. Also people point to data transparency, irreversibility of records and irrepudiability of transactions in a blockchain offering superior trust, integrity and security. But ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Uberization of Wealth Management

Some have called Robo-Advisors the Uber of wealth management. Uber transformed an existing service to meet the needs of a convenience-hungry generation. Similarly, the introduction of Robo-Advisors into the wealth management industry has disrupted the way business is done by offering a convenient, online and cost-effective way to invest for a digi...

Lu Zurawski

Lu Zurawski founder, iKnowMe at Lu Zurawski

PSD2 and the Hokey-Cokey Conundrum.

I competed last week in a ‘Family Lip Synch Battle’, in a chalet on the Swiss-French border with a rendition of the Hokey Cokey, mimed in German. I now feel curiously qualified to comment on the UK’s position on the European Union. The existential conundrum posed by das Hokey Kokey (“…in?, aus?, man schwenkes alles rum?”...) helped me analyse the...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mine that data to keep that customer

During the second half of 2015, Collinson Group collaborated with Future Agenda, the open Foresight programme, to run 12 workshops in 8 countries involving 110 industry leaders and loyalty experts to debate what the future of loyalty holds. In our work with Future Agenda we specifically questioned the role that big data would have on the future of...


Nigel Farmer

Nigel Farmer Industry Director, Capital Markets at Software AG

Predictive Analytics Can Defeat Rogue and Insider Trading

It seems there is no end to new cases of market manipulation, as the latest scandal involving banks possibly rigging the $1.5 trillion government-sponsored bond market breaks in Europe. Regulators have been relentless in cracking down on financial services firms involved in insider trading and market manipulation, and financial services firms are g...


Vinod Sharma

Vinod Sharma CTO - FinTech Domain at Econet Wireless Zimbabwe

Convergence - Intelligent System, Mobile Data Charging and PCRF

Abstract – My last post created some typical requests from regular readers about simplifying the post as most of the reader mentioned it was too technical and difficult to understand, PCRF the Liberator for Mobile Data Charging. So I am making my every effort to take care of their feedback and writing this as extended version of last one with much...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Product launch fell a little flat ?

The highlight of every product manager's job has to be the launch of a new product. That is the day when all the hard work suddenly becomes worthwhile, as you hopefully launch your product to rave reviews and echoes of "why didn't we think of that?" from your competitors. So, how do you make sure that this event is the success that you w...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

DevSecOps: How DevOps and Automation Bolster Security, Compliance

DevOps bridges the gap between Development and Operations to accelerate software delivery and increase business agility and time-to-market. With its roots in the Agile movement, DevOps fosters collaboration between teams and streamlines processes, with the goal of breaking silos in order to “go fast”. Information Security (InfoSec) and compliance ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

When it comes to cash, necessity is the mother of invention

As a British person attending the ATMIA Conference in New Orleans this week, I find myself feeling that the US is a society divided by extreme views. With the impending US elections I have heard people “discussing” in often heated tones the rights and wrongs of democrats vs republicans or vice versa. There’s the ever present highly emotional debat...


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