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Bo Harald

Take the easy way - the only way

Take the easy way - the only way There is still some debate going on in relation to the implementation of easier VAT-rules for invoicing in EU. It is difficult to see any valid counter-arguments to eq...

07 Mar 2009
A Finextra Member

Do Some Real Good With 75 Billion

If the Government is going to spray £75 billion quids' worth of petrol on the embers of the economy, they could at least do it in a way that stands the best chance of achieving something. Here's an i...

06 Mar 2009
Trends in Financial Services
Robert Siciliano

Twitter Hacks

Mischievous hack attacks on Twitter are increasing and it seems there is no end in sight. While twitters developers are working to make it more secure, the open nature of the application fuels misc

06 Mar 2009
Elizabeth Lumley

Credit Crisis Hillarity

I saw this last night and thought it was brilliant. Watch for the "Bear Sterns will NOT go under..." and "Lehman Brothers is NOT Bear Stearns..." comments. A sad comment on the st...

06 Mar 2009
Paul Penrose

SFO to lift clear-up rates; invents new case in Ambridge

"Serious Fraud Office questioning Archers' Matt Crawford over possible fraud in Ambridge" That's the headline from a real piece of PR sent out by the real Serious Fraud Office about a probe ...

06 Mar 2009
John Cant

Regulation: learn how to walk again, before you try to run

There have been calls this month from the European Union for the creation of a pan-European regulatory body to help solve the current financial crisis and prevent future issues. This is a deceptively ...

06 Mar 2009
Trends in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

Data breaches demand earlier detection, better remediation

Data breaches are becoming all too common -- so common and so large in scale that we are rapidly becoming desensitized to the news. But the effect of a data breach has the potential to crush companies...

05 Mar 2009
Information Security
A Finextra Member

Calling Dr. House...

Do you watch House, the US medical drama series? In it, the team, ably led by the wonderfully acerbic Hugh Laurie as the eponymous head doctor in the Department of Diagnostic Medicine, solve puzzling...

05 Mar 2009
Trends in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

Online Banking Card Readers: no more room in the suitcase

Preparing for my latest overseas business trip, my online banking readers and tokens have been proudly promoted to the final mandatory check for travel along with... passport? ticket? cash? credit car...

05 Mar 2009
A Finextra Member

A plethora of Siberian Goose Down Duvets to come?

An article in the Evening Standard the other evening on the way home said that bankers in the City would sue their firms if they were denied their bonuses. A gentle reminder of the definition of a bo...

05 Mar 2009
Sriram Natarajan

Even the dead have to pay up!

I thought it is a reflection of the weird times we live in that debt collectors are going even after debts of dead people. This story in the NYT makes a compelling read -

05 Mar 2009
Robert Siciliano

Identity Theft Prevention and Tax Time Scams

In the US we are approaching tax time. Scammers are ramped up and looking for your money. Learn these tips and watch your back. Protect and prevent Identity Theft. 1. Text messaging scams or Phextin

05 Mar 2009

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