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1135 Results from 2009

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Tackling The Wrong End Of the Problem

I noticed an article in the Press today suggesting that the authorities were now considering creating a ‘bad bank’ (we already have more than one, but I know what they mean), into which could be placed up to £260 billion in toxic debts from the banks. The expectation is that this would free the banks to lend more by replacing those debts with cas...

/regulation /retail Transaction Banking

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Global Risks 2009

The World Economic Forum has released its annual take on Risks our world carries in the new year. The Global Risks Report 2009 is a compulsive read in these turbulent times and not just for Risk professionals. You can download the report from: The report suggests that the world may face ris...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Does Windows slow down of its own accord?

I read this piece about "code rot" this morning. Curious. Every Windows PC I have ever owned has seemed to get slower as time goes by - and that includes servers. Sometimes defragging the disk and/or a reboot speeds it up a bit - but mostly not. People presumably think this is how computers are supposed to be. Well it isn't. Apple kit do...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why Telco's can't play at authentication ie. Optus Singtel

I write this as I wait yet again for the Singtel/Optus call centre to deal with my simple request. I placed a call to Singtel/Optus recently in order to unlock a phone from their network. Simple enough, the phone had not been used or connected to their network for more than a year. The number associated with it had been re-allocated. The phone has ...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Longer fingers point to bigger profits

Researchers at Cambridge University have found a link between the profitability of male traders at a London bank and the ratio of index to ring fingers on their right hand. The so-called 2D:4D ratio is a biological marker indicating pre-natal exposure to high levels of testosterone in the womb. In a study to be published today in Proceedings of the...

/wholesale Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The top 25 most dangerous programming errors

It's always worth taking note of anything from the SANS institute so it was interesting to see their latest announcement. They've gathered consensus from experts in over 30 computer security organisations to release the list of the 25 most dangerous programming errors. These are the errors that lead to security bugs and that enable cyber espionage ...


Yuvaraj Anandan

Yuvaraj Anandan Program Management at Private Bank

Low inflation vs. No inflation vs. Deflation

With Inflation in India rapidly going down(now at 6-7% from 14% 6months back) and potentially heading into deflation. what & why that would be any good for indian economy in long-run? I think, answer would be very subjective based on who you ask and for India's scenario it would very difference due to high % of unorganized workforces/SMEs. Inf...

/retail Financial Supply Chain

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

Lax Security at New York Kennedy Airport

One is accustomed to being assured that Airport Security ensures that you show a Passport in order to check in, then show your Boarding Pass (but often NOT your Passport) to get through Security to Airside, but finally show both your Passport & Boarding Pass to get on the Plane. On Fri 9 Jan 2009 I was flying with American Airlines from NY JF...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bank Insults with Mailshot

Of course, few people are happy with bankers at the moment, but they're not doing much to help themselves. In fact, the most recent communication from my bank (I won't say which one, but it begins with a letter near the start of the alphabet) has incensed me no end. They've sent me a mailshot offering a loan. Not in itself a thing to get underpa...

/regulation Transaction Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is the mist clearing?

At the beginning of a New Year one must always contemplate the difficulty of coming back to work after enjoying a couple of festive weeks off. So there I was last Monday embroiled in a taxing struggle to save myself from an hour or two of naval gazing and thumb twiddling and found myself listening to the Bernard Madoff hearing in Washington. No, ...


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