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1148 Results from 2018

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Flight Delay Insurance - Why Blockchain?

I covered two Blockchain flight delay insurance products in AXA Fizzy - The New Kid On The Blockchain and Atlas Etherisc – Another New Kid On The Blockchain. In this post, I’ll address the “Why Blockchain?” question. Here’s a quick recap of the background to this question from the first post: ===== ...the techie in me started wondering what stopp...

Vaibhav Grover

Vaibhav Grover Senior Director at Sutherland

Responsible Lending Guidelines- Threat or Opportunity for Banks?

What is 'responsible lending' all about? In Australia, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has issued regulatory guidelines that makes it mandatory for the lenders to assess and make sure that a credit facility extended to a customer is 'not unsuitable' for them and customer is able to 'service' the credit extended by the lende...

/regulation /retail Banking Regulations

Hakan Eroglu

Hakan Eroglu Advisor at BIS Innovation Hub (all opinions are my own)

How innovation in security can be a market differentiator for banks in the PSD2 and Open Banking era

The European Union’s revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) has paved the way for a new era of Open Banking globally. As a result, it will have huge impacts on business models, security mechanisms and innovation in banking. In my recent conversations with banks, a question that has arisen consistently is how security and innovation can go hand-i...

/security Open Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Tips On Detecting Employee Fraud

Financial thefts such as embezzlement & others are supposedly the most usual forms of staff fraud. No matter how credible your workforce is, your organization is never out of the chances of embezzlement or employee fraud. As per the report from Association of Certified Fraud Examiners- A typical company loses 5 percent of yearly revenue for f...

/security Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Brexit: Over-cooked, over-done and perhaps not the main course

Over the past few months; most of us have been trying to make sense of the actual state of affairs that will occur due to Brexit. We have used our regulatory know how to dissect the legal parts, look at the state of affairs in the market and the various reports from official and un-official sources. The obvious conclusion to draw is that aside fro...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

History of the World Part III

Those of us who have been in the industry for a while will remember what became known as the "Battle of the Bund" back in the early 1990s.The quick version is that newly formed DTB (now Eurex) managed, in just a few months, to repatriate trading in the benchmark Bund futures contract from London based incumbent, LIFFE. It did this by dep...

Steve D'Souza

Steve D'Souza Business Development at Iress

Can you predict the future with Technology? Is this the end of Financial Planning?

The world of financial planning and wealth management has been heavily impacted by technology. The advent of mobile devices and cloud computing has ushered a more scientific and mathematical approach to financial planning. This is now within the reach of not only large firms, but also smaller independent advisors. This is also now within the reach...


Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

Transparency in processes at Holistic level and Data Governance can help FIs meet MIFID II requireme

Data Governance Policies Need To Be Updated MiFID II is a new exhaustive financial regulation being implemented in Europe as of January 3rd. However, the sweeping legislation won’t only impact European banks. Even U.S. financial institutions are grappling with the changes as they race to implement the necessary changes globally. Also, current U.S. ...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

Victor Martin

Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot

Revolutionize Your Finance Industry Business With FinTech Mobile Apps

The environment in the financial service industry is complicated, and this makes business in this industry not so customer-friendly. However, FinTech has been introduced for more than five years now and promises a vast scope for improving customer experience. The FinTech space has a large room for improvement in the traditional FinServe (Financial...

Fintech innovation and startups

Giles Sergant

Giles Sergant Director at Consultant

The CMA's Open Banking 'nursery' is playing fast & loose with Customer Consent

You'd be forgiven for thinking this long awaited and highly revered era of 21st Century 'Open banking' that's just been ushered into the UK with a spirited shove-in-the-back by its Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) hasn't exactly captured the public's interest. Open Banking is the central plank of the second most significant payments dire...

/payments Open Banking

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