1077 Results from 2016
Paul Dignan Global Technical Account Manager at F5 Networks
Last year, criminals used new strains of malware to steal £20 million from UK banking customers, highlighting the dangers of such viruses in a very high-profile way. The use of Dridex malware to infect customer machines, steal login credentials and subsequently steal significant sums from customer accounts shows how these incidents can directly i...
13 January 2016 /security
Anjana Srikanth Head, Marketing and Communications and Research, at TCS Financial Solutions
We are fast heading into a World where vending machines can automatically pre-order and pay for the delivery of soft drinks before they run dry. Musicians may be able to record and publish rules on how they want their music to be used instead of depending on platforms like iTunes to reach their fan base. When you read an article on The New Yor
13 January 2016 /payments
Jeremy Light Co-founder at Fourdotzero
BITCOIN’S ACCELERATING MOMENTUM Bitcoin’s momentum is accelerating and cannot be ignored. Many commentators focus on the price of bitcoin, its volatility, the amount invested by VCs in Bitcoin companies and their valuations - but these provide a largely superficial view, giving little insight to Bitcoin’s true dynamics. Instead, other indicators i...
12 January 2016 /payments
Retired Member
"Estimated counts from different regional and global lists puts the existing number of fintech startups at anywhere between 5,000 to 6,000 companies, all vying for market share in different sub sectors, ranging from mobile payments, data analytics and virtual banking to online lending, bitcoin applications and crowd funding" I read in a r...
12 January 2016 /startups
On 23rd of December 2015, Finextra has selected the five most read blogs in 2015, two of which are Digital Banking Tips (Digital Marketing and Mobile Security). This is such a great honour on my side, considering the number of bloggers and blog posts at Finextra Community. I would like to thank all of you for reading the tips, encouraging me writ...
11 January 2016 /retail
There's a lot of debate about banks; their involvement with FinTech startups and what that should look like to avoid being disrupted. I believe it should look like this (scroll to bottom of page) New Internal Legal Entity: (Low Complexity) If a bank has the required capabilities and already has a presence in the market, banks should setup a new le...
11 January 2016 Disruption in Retail Banking
Gerard Hergenroeder Retired IBMer and Banking Executive at Payments Shark
Top 10 Payments Predictions for 2016 -- What do think will happen in 2016? By Gerard Hergenroeder – Thoughts expressed wherein may not necessarily be endorsed by his employer. # 1 Wallet Wars -- Clarity around who will dominate the wallet market becomes cloudy. Some banks and retailers offer their own solutions. # 2 Banks reprice services -- In...
Neil Clarke Business Development Director at Volante Technologies
So another year begins and for many this brings a New Year's resolution – getting fit to name but one. For many financial institutions however I wonder if the resolution could be to (finally) start the process of overhauling creaking and aging payments processing technology. It’s a never ending challenge for banks maintaining their IT infrastruct...
11 January 2016 /payments
The UK’s Faster Payments Service (FPS) turned seven years of age last summer. In this relatively short lifetime Europe’s only 24/7 real-time payments system has proven to be a solid success. With payment volume growth for Single Immediate Payments growing at 19.8% in the last year alone, Faster Payments now averages over 110 million payments a mon...
Neil Crammond risk education & real time market abuse at DIVENTO FINANCIALS
Events last week have asked the market a serious question . Do our regulators have the respect or trading knowledge to understand market making from manipulation ? Currently under "the Volcker rule " they are able to name traders as "guilty" with little or no real evidence ; the probe into Lloyds banks gilt traders activity is...
11 January 2016
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