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Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain and package tracking: a win-win situation!

Nowadays many people buy – sometimes or more frequent – articles online. Waiting for a package to be delivered however could be frustrating. These are delivered via postal services and/or courier companies at home. But these deliveries mostly happen during work hours, or when you do your shopping, or when you are somewhere else. So not being able...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain technology by 2018: a breakthrough

Last year August I wrote a blog on what to expect for 2017. Now we are halfway 2017, so it is time to look forward to next year: 2018. According to the Gartner Hype Cycle we are now in the “Trough of Despair” stage. That indicates that we have left the overhyped period behind us, and entered a more realistic period with real-world applications. So...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain and the airline industry: ready for take-off?

Last Sunday I was visiting a hockey match here in the place where I live. Near the playing field, I was drinking a beer, discussing with a friend of mine who worked at a big international airline company about the role blockchain could play in this sector. This triggered me to write this blog. By the way, our team lost! Let’s first look at where...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance: a blockchain challenger!

Early May, the Indian IT services and consulting powerhouse Wipro, announced it had joined the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) as a founding member. This Alliance, formed around the open-source blockchain-based platform Ethereum, was officially launched end February with 30 founding members to develop enterprise-grade blockchain solutions. “En...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain and Supply Chain Finance: the missing link!

Whereas the focus on the use of blockchain long time has been on payments and securities, an important but still undervalued use case has been supply chain finance. But that is changing. The complexity and scale of existing supply chain finance solutions has posed major challenges in ensuring adequate funding and efficient operations. According t...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

National Blockchain Coalition: No Dutch Polder model!

Now also The Netherlands (I am a Dutchman!) has its broad-based collaborative blockchain initiative. At the end of last month (30 March 2017), there was the official kick-off of the National Blockchain Coalition (“Nationale Blockchain Coalitie” in official Dutch language) (NBC) at the premises of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in The Hague. The...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Hyperledger Project: collaboration pays off

Recently, I wrote that smaller blockchain consortia are needed (see my Blog: Towards smaller and more focused blockchain consortia, 27 February 2017). The Hyperledger Project however may be the exception. Things look quite good for the Hyperledger Project, described as being an “umbrella” for the developer communities to work on creating open sourc...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain and the Ripple effect: did it ripple?

Have you ever thrown a stone in still water of a river or a lake. I did! The effect is rippling the water in a way that can be followed outwards incrementally. It might be this effect that the founders of Ripple, the payments blockchain network had in mind when choosing the name for their project. Did it ripple? But first: who is Ripple? San Fra...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain Regulation in the Securities Industry: still many unanswered Questions!

One of the obstacles for massive adoption of blockchain technology is the lack of clarity from regulators. Regulators world-wide have long time taken a wait-and-see attitude towards blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) (see my Blog “Blockchain and Regulation: do no stiffle .... April 4, 2016). But that is changing. Regulators across ...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain in Healthcare: make the Industry better

In one of my first blogs on blockchain “What’s blockchain not: some misconceptions” (March 22, 2016), I wrote that this technology was not only for financial services. It can be used for many more areas. One sector that is already seeing significant activity is healthcare. From the perspective of blockchain adoption, healthcare organisations are m...

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