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Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Accenture and blockchain: the accent on security issues

My last blog was about IBM, triggered by a Juniper Research putting the company as the number one in the blockchain technology competition. One of the comments on this blog was that it looked like an IBM press release. But that is far beyond what is meant. I just looked at what the tech company was doing in the blockchain arena and why it could be...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

IBM: International Blockchain Model of the future?

According to a recent Juniper Research study “Blockchain Enterprise Survey”, IBM is seen as the number one provider of blockchain to business, well ahead of its competitors. These results are based on a survey of 400 business users from organisations actively considering, or in the process of deploying blockchain technology. Of the surveyed 43% r...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Regulation of ICOs: the end or beginning of a healthy market?

One of the hottest – and also one of the most controversial – things in the crypto currency environment are so-called Initial Coin Offerings or ICOs. ICOs, which employ the use of crypto currencies, have become a popular means of fundraising for start-ups in recent months. The increasing need of blockchain technology and the lack of regulation a...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

UBS and the Utility Settlement Coin

These are interesting times for blockchain and distributed ledger technology. My last blog of 23 August was about the Microsoft CoCo Platform (see: Microsoft CoCo Platform: blockchain game changer?) that could become an important trigger for further and more scaled blockchain adoption. And now it was recently announced that another six internatio...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Microsoft Coco Framework: blockchain game changer?

Microsoft recently announced the introduction of the Coco (or Confidential Consortium) Framework. A ‘first of its kind innovation’ as they named it, designed to work with any ledger or operating system. CoCo is a blockchain protocol technology aimed to make it easier to build enterprise networks quicker and more secure using any distributed ledg

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Industries are ready for blockchain take off

An interesting study was released this week by Juniper Research. Given its findings this survey needs some more widely recognition and that’s why this blog. Named "Which industries are the best fit for blockchain", this study arrived to some interesting conclusions, that were broadly in line with my blog of early June (see: Blockchain te...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

SWIFT Blockchain POC: enhanced cross-border payments

Early July SWIFT announced that 22 global banks recently joined its Blockchain proof of concept (PoC) initiative introduced in January this year in collaboration with six leading correspondent banks (ANZ, BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon, RBC Royal Bank and Wells Fargo). The PoC is part of SWIFT’s ‘gpi’ (global payments innovation) service, the new standar...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

The Digital Trade Chain: the blockchain train is rolling

Trade finance is increasingly becoming the number one use case for blockchain with the greatest potential to benefit from this technology. In previously blocks I already showed the accelerated activity in this area (see: Blockchain and Supply Chain Finance: the missing link May 7, 2017 and Blockchain: accelerated activity in trade Finance, January...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Stock exchanges and blockchain: open positions

Stock exchanges and blockchain: open positions Just like banks, a growing number of exchanges worldwide have already taken a serious look at the way they can leverage blockchain technology. This in order to ‘get rid of’ the existing time consuming, cost inefficient and risky operations. Ranging from Abu Dhabi to Toronto they are experimenting wit...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

The EU and blockchain: taking the lead?

Introduction Long time the European Union has taken a positive, but wait-and-see attitude towards blockchain and distributed ledger technology. Both related to use cases and regulatory intervention. But that is changing rapidly. Last week the European Commission announced the launch of its #Blockchain4EU Project enlarging their scope to more than ...

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