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Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

A Poster Child for 419 victims

This Canadian news story has provided a human face - that of a John Rempel - for the people who fall prey to 419 phishing scams. Sadly his unbelievable gullibility (or is that stupidity) doesn't generate too much sympathy from the caring, sharing citizens of the interweb. But my reason for posting a link to this story (and I know 419 scams aren't ...


Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

Dick Hardt: Mr Identity 2.0 joins Microsoft

Given the subject of identity comes up fairly frequently within the Finx blogs, especially in relation to security, it may be of interest to know that Microsoft has hired Dick Hardt to support its efforts to solve identity management problems. Dick explains his move here. Dick Hardt sprang to wider fame when he delivered the infamous (as in infam...

/security Finance 2.0

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

Google Maps embedded inside La Caixa ATMs

Came across this post (via prolific tweeter James Governor) describing Spain's La Caixa ATMs having Google Maps embedded. Not sure if this is news to you, but it was to me. Any other Web 2.0 / Mashups made it inside ATMs?

/retail Finance 2.0

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

Reuters embed evacuated from Second Life outpost

Last week I listened to a Woman's Hour* feature about Second Life (OK, I spend too much time commuting). At the time, I couldn't decide whether the arrival of Second Life on Woman's Hour signified it had gone mainstream, or that it was all over for the virtual world. For some reason Second Life on Woman's Hour is a bit like your Granny getting an ...

Finance 2.0

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

Trader shoots himself: trading suspended for 15 minutes

The story of Brazilian trader Paulo Sergio Silva, aged 36, shooting himself in the chest on the floor of the Sao Paolo Commodities & Futures Exchange has been covered by news sources ranging from Reuters here, to the Huffington Post here. At present, there is little explanation as to why he did this. The most damning detail is that BM&F B...

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

RIP Reg Varney - first man to use a UK ATM

Reg Varney, a British Comedian famed for his role in On the Buses in the late 60s/early 70s, sadly died yesterday. Curiously he also has a footnote in fintec history. Slip your anoraks, on everyone... Reg was also the first Briton to use an ATM in the High Street, a feat he performed at a branch of Barclays Bank in Enfield (it would be, wouldn't it...


Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

When the markets are so bad, if in doubt, pray

US political blog Wonkette covers the curious incident of prayers being offered to the Wall Street Bull to fix capitalism. It's all well beyond my ability to explain - but didn't the market blip up a bit later in the week? Who's to mock? btw - Wonkette fires its blog posts from the hip, without fear or favour for who they offend. So, if you are of ...


Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

The Brokers With Their Hands on Their Faces Blog Maybe next week will be better...


Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

There's no money in blogs? But Bankaholic nets USD15m payout

One man band blog site, Bankaholic, has scooped $15m from financial portal Bankrate. The story is covered here at Mashable and here at PaidContent. Bankaholic was set up by Johns Wu who, if these stories are correct, ran the site singlehandedly. Well done John! The premium paid for the site recognizes the value of high quality audiences which c...

Finance 2.0

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

VentureBeat investigates FT Ventures exposures

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