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Ralf Ohlhausen

Obstacles per se

The closer we come to 14th September 2019, the implementation deadline for the RTS on SCA & CSC, which details much of the PSD2 legislation, the less room we have for unclarity about its stipulati...

17 Aug 2019
Ralf Ohlhausen

The EBA is wrong about screen scraping - and it’s going to hurt European fintech!

On 23 February, the European Banking Authority (EBA) announced its intention to outlaw ”screen scraping” in one of their Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) complementing the revised Payment Services...

23 Mar 2017
Ralf Ohlhausen

Brexit: a body blow for UK fintech?

With less than one day to the UK referendum on whether to remain in the European Union, debate on the potential impact of Brexit is intensifying. While some of the recent campaigning directed at voter...

22 Jun 2016
Ralf Ohlhausen

Open banking API vs PSD2: the UK is taking the lead again!

The conclusions of the UK’s Open Banking Working Group’s recently released report confirm that once again the UK is a step ahead of its European neighbours. The report’s call for an open banking stan...

04 Mar 2016
Ralf Ohlhausen

Instant Payments - Hot or Not?

Although money transfers within Europe are set to take place in real time soon, we have not yet heard a great many specifics about how the instant payment process will work. Now, some initial proposal...

15 Jan 2016
Ralf Ohlhausen

Instant Payments: A Critical Assessment

Instant Payments SEPA has long dominated the financial industry, but Europe’s next major payment project is just around the corner: instant payments. Leading the field here are the European Central Ba...

24 Jul 2015
Ralf Ohlhausen

The Not So Far East

The Not So Far East: Asia, the Next E-commerce Frontier With retailers around the globe concentrating their attention on Asia as the next frontier, many make the mistake of focusing too heavily on Chi...

12 Jun 2015
Ralf Ohlhausen

Paying really can be this sexy

Let’s not beat about the bush here. For customers, making a payment transaction is about as exciting as watching paint dry. But the Apple Watch proves that even a payment transaction can be sexy. It’s...

05 Jun 2015
Ralf Ohlhausen

My opinion on the Payment Service Directive 2

Since the adoption of the first PSD in 2007, the EU retail payments market has grown significantly and several new players have emerged offering innovative solutions to consumers in the form of paymen...

29 May 2015

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