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David Varney

David Varney Director at Q-ATM, Burnt Oak Partnership, Varney Ltd

Will your ATM contract be working as hard as you in 2013?

Now the New Year is well and truly in full swing and personal performance plans for 2013 are on file, it’s interesting to compare the process many of us followed for ourselves, with the one followed for our outsourcing contracts. Do you pay the same level of attention to goal setting, coaching and driving performance in the contract between you a...


David Varney

David Varney Director at Q-ATM, Burnt Oak Partnership, Varney Ltd

9 ways to improve ATM estate performance in 2013

Here's a review of 9 of the options available to ATM deployers that may prove to be hot topics in 2013. In no particular order: 1. “Deployment strategy” a.k.a. estate optimisation When it comes to ATM deployment, size really does matter. Scale is important for efficiency and also for presence in front of customers. Banks in Finland have achieve...

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