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Matthew Talbot

Matthew Talbot SVP at Sybase

Banks Now Lead the Charge in Developing Markets

The M-PESA mobile money transfer and payments service took the world by surprise in 2007 when it debuted a successful business based on serving an previously underserved population: the rural poor. Mobile technology made it possible to reach unbanked and under-banked people in developing markets without having to build, staff and secure brick-and-...


Matthew Talbot

Matthew Talbot SVP at Sybase

Mobile OS Vendors Continue to Invest in Mobile Payments

In the last several weeks, two leading mobile operating system (OS) vendors moved into the mobile payments space. Apple announced its new mobile wallet Passbook that will debut with iOS 6 this fall. Microsoft quickly followed with its announcement of the new Microsoft Wallet mobile payment app, also due out this fall as a part of Windows 8…and Goo...


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