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Hans Tesselaar

Teaching old dogs new tricks

Once again the spotlight is on the UK’s banking industry and the need for greater competition. George Osborne used his annual Mansion House speech to renew his commitment to promote more competition i...

04 Jul 2013
Hans Tesselaar

Vendors and open IT standards: what's in it for them?

Much has been said of the benefits of open standards in banking IT. The introduction of open standards will reduce IT costs and improve banks’ flexibility to develop new and innovative products, which...

27 Jun 2013
Hans Tesselaar

SOA - a 'playlist' experience for financial services

I have written at length in the past about the growing importance of flexibility and efficiency in banking IT systems. As competition from emerging markets grows with the rising powers of Asian banks...

31 Jul 2012
Hans Tesselaar

Keeping up with banking regulators - there's an app for that

The past couple of years have proven to be a testing time for retail banks. Not only is customer trust and loyalty at an all time low, but the ecosystem itself is changing. Traditional banking practi...

24 Jul 2012
Hans Tesselaar

Shaking off the shackles of outdated legacy systems

According to research released a few months ago by Infosys and Ovum, around three quarters of European banks are using outdated core systems. Given the great costs associated with core system renewal...

12 Jul 2012
Hans Tesselaar

Asian banks must consider open IT standards

In Europe, the open standards movement is gaining momentum. It is increasingly accepted that standards collaboration increases organisational interoperability, ensuring that different systems can com...

30 May 2012
Hans Tesselaar

SOA: the easy way to structure M and A

Merger and acquisition activity in European retail banking is reviving, with talks beginning between La Caixa, the Catalan savings bank, and its smaller competitor, Banca Cívica. These talks have bee...

03 May 2012
Hans Tesselaar

Pushing into Gartner's elusive top right magic quadrant?

Gartner’s International Retail Core Banking Magic Quadrant is used by many banks as a default shortlist for vendor selection in core system replacement. The coveted top right hand corner – the ‘leader...

12 Apr 2012
Hans Tesselaar

Stop, collaborate and listen: BIAN and The Open Group align

This month sees another milestone on the road towards widespread open standards in banking IT, in the shape of a new partnership between BIAN and The Open Group. Bringing together the banking sector e...

14 Feb 2012
Hans Tesselaar

Euro Finance Week - why we need deeper IT discussions

Earlier this month, Frankfurt played host to the 14th annual Euro Finance Week, which attracted more than 7,000 attendees. The four day event provided the ideal meeting place for heads of industry in ...

01 Dec 2011
Hans Tesselaar

Bank interoperability: Work together to cut costs

With the G20 meeting this week and the European banking industry coming together at Euro Finance Week on November 14th – 18th, the woes of the industry will no doubt be discussed at length. While issu...

03 Nov 2011

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