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Tom Hay

Tom Hay Principal Consultant at Payment Systems Europe

Immediate Payments And Humpty Dumpty

As I collected the broken and uneaten remains of my children's Easter eggs, it reminded me of a particular egg: Humpty Dumpty, from the English nursery rhyme. Poor Humpty fell off a wall: "And all the King’s horses, and all the King’s men, Couldn't put Humpty together again." There is no King of Europe, but there are plenty Presidents – o...


Tom Hay

Tom Hay Principal Consultant at Payment Systems Europe

Access to Faster Payments - Mission Accomplished?

Access to payment systems is high on the priority list of regulators in the UK and the EU. Faster Payments were proactive on this issue, and in December last year they published a ‘Vision for a New Access Model’. How far does this go to addressing the obstacles that challenger banks and non-bank PSPs encounter in accessing Faster Payments? Obstacl...


Tom Hay

Tom Hay Principal Consultant at Payment Systems Europe

Is Fedcoin the Future for Faster Payments?

Digital fiat currency A recent presentation and blog by David Andolfatto of the St Louis Fed discusses the idea of a government-backed digital currency – exactly like Bitcoin, but issued by the Fed and exchangeable at par with ‘real’ dollars. Although this radically contradicts the political philosophy of Bitcoin, which was meant to wrest control...


Tom Hay

Tom Hay Principal Consultant at Payment Systems Europe

PSD2 - The Payments World Turned Upside-Down?

PSD2, the regulation that will replace the current Payment Services Directive, has passed another milestone in its slow march towards legislation, having now entered the “trialogue” process. Adoption into European law in 2015 and transposition into national law by 2016 is possible. Given the magnitude of the changes that it reflects, there has bee...

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