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Matt Dolton

Matt Dolton CEO at Kynetix

The commodities 'Hokey Cokey'

As the latest round of banks and investment houses announce their retreat from commodities, it strikes me that we may have been here before. Some might be concerned that as well-known names like Barclays and JP Morgan withdraw from elements of their commodities business, this is an asset class with limited opportunities. However, there is also a c...


Matt Dolton

Matt Dolton CEO at Kynetix

How to meet post-trade data challenges

It seems hardly any time goes by before another exchange has merged, clearing house launched or regulatory requirement hoved into view. I feel for COOs and Heads of Operations at clearing firms and brokerages, as their challenges have increased and the rate of change seems to be accelerating. It's also true that their options for technology provisi...


Matt Dolton

Matt Dolton CEO at Kynetix

Buy side-challenges ahead for trade reporting

The dust is beginning to settle after the passing of the EMIR trade reporting deadline and many of our sell-side clients are getting to grips with the initial teething issues around data flows and data quality. Of course, in Europe, this is only the first step on the road to far more comprehensive reporting and monitoring. Given the scale of work t...


Matt Dolton

Matt Dolton CEO at Kynetix

EMIR trade reporting conundrum

With the EMIR trade reporting deadline of 12th February almost upon us, I find it slightly unsettling that I'm still hearing rumblings of "will they extend the deadline...?" from all sorts of market participants. It's clear that the ESMA hasn't given any signs of extending the reporting deadlines (even if they have softened some of the e...


Matt Dolton

Matt Dolton CEO at Kynetix

Post-trade malaise in managing exceptions

Even after all these years many organisations have not yet managed to get their back-office processes as slick as the front office, especially when it comes to managing exceptions in post-trade processing of derivatives. With regulatory bodies around the globe placing ever increasing emphasis on operational risk for derivatives (both ETD and OTC), ...


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