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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Has SEPA failed?

We are already a third of the way through the SEPA year and its time to review where the industry is with this project? The feedback I have had from a number of corporates across the EU is that SEPA has still to make any significant impact on them. Many banks also appear reluctant to give SEPA the major thumbs up so far. So what's going wrong? It ...

/payments /retail SEPA and European Payments

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SWIFT interoperability - a bridge too far?

SWIFT has grown from a simple bank to bank closed payments network into a massively influential organisation covering most financial services and many different financial services providers. This has not been a visionary creation but one that has evolved and adapted to new technological innovations and the expansive plans of its major banking user...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Citigroup playing IT Jenga

The announcement that Citigroup is slashing its IT budget is a normal banking reaction to the sudden attack on profits and the risks that future profits will be much harder to attain in the coming year. They are not the first nor will they be the last in taking stock of IT expenditure this year. However, with no end of regulatory changes that are ...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Are there too many committees?

The conference I was asked to Chair last week on Corporate Actions Processing included a presentation from Linda Bookheim, Senior Manager, Custody and Asset Services, SWIFT that catalogued the many different groups/committees and initiatives that are all looking to bring new efficiencies. Now Corporate Actions are complex and tend to bring out the...

Data Management 101

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

When 50 billion is not enough!

With the Bank of England ploughing 50 billion pounds worth of funds into the banking system the credit crisis has taken another significant turn and the question is now, is it enough? Already City experts are predicting the eventual funds will reach £100 billion! The Government have made some unclear statements about if the Bonds swap for the bank...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Clearing and Settlement shows the way

It looks like Clearing and Settlement in the Euro zone is finally moving towards consolidation after decades of trying. How much of this is directly due to MiFID is doubtful as many plans for consolidation had already been made but it's fair to say that there has probably been some acceleration because of the directive. It was always thought that...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

The unintended consequences of MiFID

The news that BATS is opening in London can only be bad news for the London Stock Exchange as the post MiFID new order begins to bite. However, with the number of new trading venues already hitting the market, is there going to be enough business to go round to keep every venue afloat? We are entering a period of strife in the securities markets ...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Is MiFID good for investors?

MiFID was implemented over 6 months ago and it's worth looking at its first impacts and questioning if the investors are actually better off than a year ago? The obvious change that is probably the sexy end of MiFID is the amount of new trading venues springing up. Some are already operational with others still to get off the ground, so it's possib...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Is the LSE and the Deutsche Borse Merger back on?

The news that the Deutsche Börse is moving Clearstream into a proposed new European consortium of clearing and settlement could be the trigger that reignites the possibility of a merger/take over between the Deutsche Börse and the London Stock Exchange (LSE). You may remember that this deal was first muted some years ago and was nearly completed b...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Is MiFID yesterday's news?

For the last two years there has been no end of so called experts announcing how MiFID would totally change the securities market in Europe. Noticeably their message of gloom was modified as MiFID neared towards implementation and no clouds had been spotted to fulfil the MiFID soothsayers, scaremongering and trying to panic the market. After MiFID...

/regulation MiFID

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