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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SWIFT not getting it at EBA Day

SWIFT have been making lots of noise about getting corporates connected to their network. Sounds good and with SWIFT lite they appear to have a solution which has a cheap user charge for small or medium corporates however, costs are there and can be considerable. Firstly connecting to SWIFT lite by integrating to whatever legacy treasury system is ...

/payments EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Prepare to repel all borders! Says Captain Jack Sparrow

LCH.Clearnet are evidently repelling all borders with a number of unknown organisations (but we can make a very good calculated guess at who they are) pitching to buy the Clearing House. This is a sensitive time for the securities industry as changes of a violent storm magnitude are destabilising the markets and making it difficult for financial s...

Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Post Trade a Nirvana?

For far too long there has been too much emphasis on vertical business and operations at the expense of the investor's requirements. The financial crisis has clearly demonstrated that a vertical business and a silo based approach can cause large and small financial services firms to be infected with massive industry systemic problems that ultimate...

Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Systemic Risk in Clearing Houses - an Oxymoron?

Clearing Houses have been a fundamental industry component for decades. Indeed the advent of computers and databases enabled the finance industry to consolidate its risks and costs bringing economies of scale and increased capacity for financial services firms. However, clearing houses all grew from vertical business models based around different ...

Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

The Die Is Cast - Long Live The Revolution

Financial services worldwide are under enormous pressure from Governments and Regulators to change and regain the confidence of their customers. Unfortunately bad PR is not doing the Banks much favour, promoting how they are feasting on huge profits while their customers and consumers struggle out of an economic dark age. However, changes are comi...

Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Use it or Lose it

A recent article in the Evening Standard highlighted Terry Smith, Chief Executive of Tullett Prebon concerns about the Financial Services Industry's ability to provide investors with protection and value for their investments. Smith focused particularly on share buy-backs, this is where a company uses its capital to buy back its shares. This has t...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Regulators dereliction of duty

Now it's just dandy that the FSA does not see a role in regulating Algo trading! Surely this is a dereliction of duty of the first order! The financial services industry is highly technical relying on new developments and innovation to produce increased revenue. The business of Algo trading is a fundamental factor in today's securities markets and...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Is Orwellian Social Media here?

At the excellent Finextra Social Media Day yesterday, panellists representing ‘The Corporates' were discussing the consumer/client benefits of social media and this quickly turned into a marketing and PR fest. It's obvious that many corporates, especially in financial services will see the massive growth in social networks as both a threat and opp...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Social Networks and the Regulators

Actiance's Sarah Carter gave a fascinating presentation at the Finextra Social Media Day, which clearly resonated with the audience, when she got into the very thorny topic of regulatory compliance. So much of compliance today is about client protection and of course there have been far too many regulatory breaks from a host of different financial ...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

There can be only one

Consolidation upon consolidation in the Exchange and MTF space with the values given to the purchased or merged business leaves me thinking that in the end there can be only one. The many MTFs set up just a few short years ago and all based on the same business plan looks like a fast track way to make huge money for the prime investors. Each MTF wa...


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