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Eldad Tamir

Eldad Tamir Founder and CEO at FINQ

Unlocking the world of stock rankings and analysis

Understanding the nuances of stock scoring versus stock ranking is essential for investors aiming to navigate the complexities of the financial markets effectively. While both methods offer insights into potential investment opportunities, they serve different purposes and offer distinct advantages. Below I aim to demystify these concepts, focusin...

/startups /markets Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Eldad Tamir

Eldad Tamir Founder and CEO at FINQ

Young investors: Beyond challenges, seeking solutions.

In the wake of "How the young should invest" by The Economist, it's clear that young investors today are navigating a markedly different landscape from the 'golden age' of investing between 1981-2021. With the era of robust returns seemingly behind us, rising inflation, and the complexities of reverse globalization at the forefront, the ...

/startups /markets Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Eldad Tamir

Eldad Tamir Founder and CEO at FINQ

Wealth management's new era: Leveraging AI for transformation

Historically a specialized sector, its expansion has been remarkable post the 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the ensuing strict regulations. A recent Economist article, citing Bain & Company, anticipates a substantial surge in wealth assets. Bain projects a jump in liquid wealth assets from $130 trillion to nearly $230 trillion by t...

/startups /markets Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

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