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Benas Skridulis

Benas Skridulis 

What do you need to know about a Private Key, and what happens if you lose it?

In the crypto world, there are two types of keys: Private and Public. A public key is an address everyone can see and use for sending crypto assets to each other. A private key is like a password used to provide access to your owned crypto assets. What is a private key? A private key is a large, randomly-generated number with hundreds of digits and...

/crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Benas Skridulis

Benas Skridulis 

Cryptocurrency Scams You Should Watch Out For

Cryptocurrency scams are still rising. Thieves are using old techniques and coming up with new ones to steal crypto assets. Here are some of the common cryptocurrency scams to watch out for. Crypto giveaway There are many scam posts on popular social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Usually, they pretend to be major cryptocurrency exch...

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