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Anna Serebryannikova

Anna Serebryannikova Senior Account Director at DataArt

Why build payment infrastructure in the cloud? Examining the pitfalls and best practices

Given its ability to fuel innovation through flexible resource distribution and scalable systems, the cloud will be the future of payments. In this article we will discuss the advantages of moving payment solutions to the cloud, as well as the possible pitfalls you need to look out for and the best practices to observe. Advantages of cloud-nati...

/payments /cloud Cloud Banking out of the Box

Anna Serebryannikova

Anna Serebryannikova Senior Account Director at DataArt

Open Banking: Offering Businesses Technology Capabilities

The open banking industry is thriving. It can significantly alter how banks and their clients interact, offering both scale and considerably greater speed. Open banking connects banks, third parties, and technical providers – enabling them to simply and securely exchange data to their customers’ benefit. Regulators, predictably, have promoted thi...

/payments /wholesale Open Banking

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