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Andy Boniface

Andy Boniface Head of Product at GBST

Micro Front-Ends: Wealth Management’s secret to accelerating digital transformation

Digital transformation has become a watchword in wealth management. The switch to digital has been progressing for several years due to shifting demographics and changing user expectations, with the pandemic significantly accelerating this trend. Behaviour that would normally take several years to change, moved in a matter of weeks as we were ‘for...


Andy Boniface

Andy Boniface Head of Product at GBST

Will Internet of Things transform the wealth management customer experience?

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) to revolutionise how we live. From microwaves that scan food packaging and follow cooking instructions, lights that switch on and off as we enter and leave rooms, to fridges that automatically order items as we run out, the vision is that connected de...


Andy Boniface

Andy Boniface Head of Product at GBST

Advised platforms in UK risk losing assets over lack of pension income options

When the pension freedoms legislation was enacted in April 2015, it removed many restrictions around defined contribution (DC) schemes and provided more flexible access to pension savings. Although the rules allowed for a wider range of income options, six years on advisers continue to struggle to access the full range of flexibility for their cli...

/wealth /predictions

Andy Boniface

Andy Boniface Head of Product at GBST

Benefits of a modern tech stack in the wealth management industry

The last year has been a time of great uncertainty for all of us. For wealth managers, the pandemic intensified existing pressures facing the industry through shifting customer expectations, growing competition, continued regulatory change, rising costs, and squeezed profit margins. However, supported by the right technology foundation, enterprisi...


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