66 Results from 2013, /wholesale
Marc Murphy CEO at Fenergo
What a difference a week makes! Since the announcement of the final regulations, it seems that every financial institution has just hit the accelerator button on their FATCA programmes. As a result, we’ve been powering through presentations and demonstrations on how our FATCA solutions work in practice. As part of this, I’ve been giving more tho
28 January 2013 /regulation /wholesale
Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group
There is no question that the principles of supply chain finance (SCF) are strong and that the correspondent benefits are considerable. The perspective to get financed on the basis of the client’s creditworthiness should line up multitudes of roaring companies demanding for such an attractive—and apparently low cost—facility. Yet, reality shows th...
24 January 2013 /wholesale Financial Supply Chain
The FATCA regulations have been widely tipped to be arriving very soon. However, multiple date changes so far for final FATCA regulations have created a huge amount of uncertainty in the market, which has contributed to making it increasingly difficult for financial institutions to map out product/project timeframes. Nevertheless, even in the abse...
17 January 2013 /regulation /wholesale Data Management 101
Retired Member
In the news today, Fiserv has acquired Open Solutions to broaden their existing line of banking technology. Open Solutions is a Glastonbury, Conn.-based technology provider to banks, thrifts and credit unions. Through this acquisition, Fiserv will add several new technologies to its offerings. Both firms have traditionally been big players in ba...
14 January 2013 /wholesale
The recent, somewhat unexpected announcement that Wall Street Systems (WSS) is acquiring IT2 Treasury Solutions from CapMan has all the connotations of déjà vu. In April 2011, Wall Street Systems was itself acquired by ION; while the premise for a successful combination of ION and WSS solutions was (as noted in my blog post on the subject) quite ...
14 January 2013 /wholesale Treasury Management
Going green makes money and also, makes you feel good! The depletion of non-renewable resources, a growing population and global warming all make a compelling case for going green. Though corporates generate positive vibes with an eco-friendly image, the greatest incentive to going green is a positive effect on the bottom line. Understanding that...
03 January 2013 /wholesale
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