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64 Results from 2012, /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Vickers Separation Conundrum

I am sure we were all delighted to see that the government has fully adopted the Vickers Report !! Much focus has been placed on the business impact of separation but what does it mean in practice. Page 54 tells us what is mandated and what is prohibited in a ring fenced bank. Deposits, payments, lending (of all types) and advising on non risky pr...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Putting the Squeeze on Growth?

What’s going to get us out of the doldrums? Growth of course! What’s going to drive growth? Increased business activity! While we are being told this, there are a whole range of factors that are going to put the squeeze on trade. The universal currency for international commodity trading is the dollar. The commodity trading organisations I work ...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Happy New SEPA

About a year ago, in my blog ‘On your marks for SEPA’, I commented on the European Commission’s proposals for the setting of end dates for the migration from legacy instruments to SEPA credit transfers and direct debits. I wrote: “At least the whole industry knows that serious planning can now no longer be delayed. We don’t yet have the final ‘go’...

/payments /wholesale

Enrico Camerinelli

Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group

No need to reinvent the wheel-Part Two

Happy 2012. In this second part of my post I will address other points that make the experience of B2B solution providers so relevant to those financial institutions involved in developing global transaction services on platforms. The examples come from the history of Ariba, a company that had the vision to use the Internet to enable companies to ...

/wholesale Transaction Banking

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