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82 Results from 2007, /wholesale

Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

Wall Street plays second fiddle to teenage boys

I heard an interesting snippet the other day about IBM's plans to target the high performance computing needs of Wall St. and the City with blade servers based on its powerful Cell processor. IBM developed the processor with Toshiba and Sony. It is the brains of Sony's PlayStation 3 videogame console, but also has potential applications in industri...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

An interview with Merrill Lynch's Diane Shueneman

The McKinsey Quarterly has bagged an interview with Diane Schueneman, the head of Merrill Lynch's Global Infrastructure Solutions unit. The new division combines the firm's IT and operations arms. Schueneman explains how this integration has led the company to set new and ambitious goals for its combined operations and IT units and how it is build...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

The public demise of Rich Marin

Rich Marin, the embattled head of Bear Stearns asset management arm, was forced to step aside Friday in the wake of the near-collapse of two hedge funds associated with his division. He remains with the firm in an advisory capacity. Marin’s fate was finally sealed after the New York Times took pot shots at him for taking time off to go to the movie...

/regulation /wholesale

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

MiFID level playing field - not yet

In which activity are Romania, Ireland and the UK current leaders in Europe, and Italy and Spain are bottom of the league? If you have been following the financial press coverage, you will not doubt have quickly answered MiFID transposition (the copying of the MiFID directives into a states local law). Okay, not really an Olympic sport, although s...

/wholesale MiFID

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

The 'No Glue' future

Kevin Anderson reports for the Guardian IT on an exercise organised by the Economic and Social Research Council to consider what sort of world the interplay and advances in nanotechnology, genomics, information technology and cognitive science might create. The policy wonks considered four possible visions of the future – two positive and two ne...

/retail /wholesale Futuristic Banking

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

OMX deal scant consolation for Greifeld

At last some positive news from overseas for Bob Greifeld and the Nasdaq stock market. The decision by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited to extend by five years a technology support deal with OMX will ease fears that Nasdaq’s proposed take-over would dent technology sales at the Nordic market operator. OMX currently provides exchange tech...


Olivier Berthier

Olivier Berthier CEO at Moneythor

The LC is dead. No, just kidding.

The developing world and its booming Trade activities still remain very keen on traditional instruments such as the Letter of Credit (LC) and will most likely be for years to come. Even in the US, arguably one of the most prominent countries in the world in terms of their use of open account business, a recent survey by Bank of America of US manufa...

/payments /wholesale Financial Supply Chain

Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

Turquoise boats and yellow submarines

MiFID has already had a huge impact in Europe - particularly on the conference and event management scene. And as my fellow bloggers Chrisses Skinner and Pickles have been regularly pointing out here on the Finextra Communities, it is going to have a huge, though uncertain, impact on market practices in the global capital markets in the coming yea...

/wholesale MiFID

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Global Sourcing Goes West

The demands on CIO budgets within the finance sector were supposed to ease this year, however demands of 'the same for less' are as strong as ever. There are several ways to meet this request including rationalisation of the technology portfolio, ensuring architecture is stuck to ( and the right supplier contracts negotiated ), using development a...


Olivier Berthier

Olivier Berthier CEO at Moneythor

Buzzword alert: financial supply chain

Forget about trade services, trade finance, UCPs and documentary credit, what we all do now is called Financial Supply Chain (or SCF for Supply Chain Finance). How many "Heads of" have we seen lately with freshly updated business cards showing new supply chain-related titles? A lot! Revolution or Evolution? Well, the notion of financial s...

/wholesale Financial Supply Chain

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