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980 Results from /wholesale

Marc Murphy

Marc Murphy CEO at Fenergo

FATCA - a continuous data management process

The FATCA regulations have been widely tipped to be arriving very soon. However, multiple date changes so far for final FATCA regulations have created a huge amount of uncertainty in the market, which has contributed to making it increasingly difficult for financial institutions to map out product/project timeframes. Nevertheless, even in the abse...

/regulation /wholesale Data Management 101

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Fiserv Acquires Open Solutions

In the news today, Fiserv has acquired Open Solutions to broaden their existing line of banking technology. Open Solutions is a Glastonbury, Conn.-based technology provider to banks, thrifts and credit unions. Through this acquisition, Fiserv will add several new technologies to its offerings. Both firms have traditionally been big players in ba...


Enrico Camerinelli

Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group

Wall Street Systems Acquires IT2: Beware the ION Black Hole

The recent, somewhat unexpected announcement that Wall Street Systems (WSS) is acquiring IT2 Treasury Solutions from CapMan has all the connotations of déjà vu. In April 2011, Wall Street Systems was itself acquired by ION; while the premise for a successful combination of ION and WSS solutions was (as noted in my blog post on the subject) quite ...

/wholesale Treasury Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Green with Pride - Not just a Mantra!

Going green makes money and also, makes you feel good! The depletion of non-renewable resources, a growing population and global warming all make a compelling case for going green. Though corporates generate positive vibes with an eco-friendly image, the greatest incentive to going green is a positive effect on the bottom line. Understanding that...


Enrico Camerinelli

Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group

2013: The year of execution for Supply Chain Finance

In 2013 banks will concentrate on producing results after the period of evaluation and investments in areas like SCF, Regulatory compliance, SEPA, integration of cash and trade. Banks will work to empower their corporate counterparty (e.g., the treasurer) while creating conditions to generate volumes for revenue growth. Transaction banking must giv...

/wholesale Financial Supply Chain

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Interesting times for corporate treasurers

Every crisis is an opportunity in disguise. The recent financial crisis was no different. Prior to the crisis, the treasury department was as an offshoot of the accounting department. Post crisis, the treasurer has assumed a more strategic role, moving beyond managing working capital to becoming involved in risk management across the organisation,...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Does the future of banking depend on CRM?

At SIBOS earlier this year, sales force automation (SFA) was a recurring issue, as banks are finding themselves under increasing pressure to improve customer service interactions whilst remaining cost efficient. While discussing these challenges, it became clear that SFA is going to play a much bigger role in the future of banking and how banks a...

/retail /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Grabbing a slice of the Asian trade finance pie

With Asian economies booming, smart banks are capitalising on opportunities to boost their trade finance business. But how do financial institutions from the developed world ensure market share? If they are too slow to act, they may be left with the crumbs rather than a representative share of the trade finance pie. To start with banks must be sur...

/sibos /wholesale

Craig Ramsey

Craig Ramsey Head of Real-Time Payments at ACI Worldwide

Why travel to Sibos? Just look out of the window

The enormity of global trade is on display this year in Osaka, and it is more evident than ever that payments and trade finance are critical banking services supporting global economic growth. Each day participants navigate from hotels across the massive Kansai economic region of Osaka-Kyoto-Kobe-Nara to the INTEX conference center. On they way, we...

/payments /wholesale Finextra@Sibos

Chris Principe

Chris Principe CEO at APB, Inc.

Trade and cash management connection a key corporate concern

Although advances have been made in global trade operational efficiencies, supply chain extensions across the world have led to increased financial impact for corporations, ultimately driving the banks to look to provide the benefits that merging cash and trade can provide. Within the bank, the trade person’s transaction base and documentary expe...

/payments /wholesale Financial Supply Chain

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